Saturday, October 24, 2009

Best known as Lily Munster, Yvonne DeCarlo never received an Oscar, but did receive an award of another kind.

What was it?

Best known as Lily Munster, Yvonne DeCarlo never received an Oscar, but did receive an award of another kind.
Miss Venice Beach according to Yahoo wikipedia

I loved her work as the wife of Moses...The line

O I lost him when he found his God

and the line that when the Queen of Egypt wanted to see the sheep girl that won his heart and the line

I lost him when he found his people..How she tread softly with his Egypt family in her role...I find the line was striking....

I knew she had been in a lot of roles and she really did not seem to belong in the Munsters...I feel it was like OK she needs the money but she took it to a longer level and really made the show as one of the cooky TV Moms....I liked her costume the shroud cloak she wore out... This would be a wonderful Holloween costume ...I wanted to do it in High School in a half and half face... Half beautiful and half green like two different personalities.. Most beautiful and most green palor...pose and dead at the same time..glamourous next to a bright green like Jim Carry The Mask...God Bless and great question...I did not know she had died ....Like the Adams Family rivals...are departed..It was a fun show and a fun memory of a great actress

I kind of like your style ...Yahooo
Reply:Hollywood star for trivia


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