Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lily Allen hosting a Chat Show...what are your thoughts on this...????

Lily Allen hosting a Chat Show...what are your thoughts on this...????
Arggh no way! She does my head in! Overrated.
Reply:She should let the professional interviewers do it,these so called "stars" usually have boring shows on,she should stick to what she knows best.
Reply:I feel for her to be honest and she is brave to do a chat show loosing a baby or not. Good luck to her.
Reply:I watched her as a guest on a comedy show the other week, she's a dick. Immature and not funny at all.
Reply:she has miscarried but yet she still bypasses the grief to prance about on telly? not like she needs the money.

I'm surprised she sobered up long enough to remember she was pregnant in the first place

media whore.
Reply:My best thoughts are with her.

I found it better, for me, to work through grief - this may be what she needs - give her a chance
Reply:should be ok i like her
Reply:I think it's nang. I know a lot of people don't like her, but come on, give her some credit! A chat show is hard work, and I hope she does well.
Reply:..I think she needs a little bit more experience, in my opinion, being a Chat Show Host is tough. The wrong guest could make as small as my bank balance.
Reply:i dont like lily allen she has no dress sense, i mean who wears a nice dress with air max trainers! if your trying to get recognised do it in a way that people will apreciate you silly cow!
Reply:I would watch it I think she's alright,I think it would be better on Channel 4..I mean didn't Davina have a show on the BBC,althought that shouldn't really matter.
Reply:Not sure I ve not seen her chatting.

I already Can't stand Her lol
Reply:Just think back to The Charolotte Church Show kimmy and you have my answer NO !!
Reply:I liked her when she guest presented The Friday Night Project, good for her getting back to work so soon after her miscarriage, life goes on!
Reply:She can barely finish a set without forgetting her words. When she does manage a sentence she's either bitching about those more talented than her, or whining like a spoiled brat. Also her voice goes right through me!

I felt sorry for her with her miscarriage but this chatshow idea stinks. Can you say Davina?
Reply:Ohh WOW! I like her. I think that's great!
Reply:Hard to say really but lets just say this................

Sharon Osbourne couldn't do it so I have my doubts that Lily can.
Reply:i will personnally not be watching it!

i dont really find her funny

i think she will be ok though she has a big mouth

but i cant be too harsh shes had a miscarriage
Reply:oh please, not another chat show. enough already
Reply:as long as she dont sing to much.


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